Insurance Loss Logistics Software
Our software is specifically designed to handle the entire recovery lifecycle including items capture, item status and tracking, service logs, time and expenses, billing, and reporting.
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The challenge

Recovering from a loss is a complex and daunting task involving activities such as:

  • Recording job details and instructions
  • Capturing details of the items affected including make, model, serial, images, and hook up specifics
  • Ensuring you have all the required signed documents
  • Identifying which items remain on site and which items are taken back to the shop
  • Assigning and prioritizing the work (inspection, cleaning, restoration etc.)
  • Recording the technician's service logs
  • Tracking time and expenses
  • Tracking the job progress and status
  • Returning the restored items to the site and reconnecting them
  • Sending reports to the insured, adjuster, contractors etc.
  • Creating and sending invoices

The challenge is to be efficient, professional, and reliable in all aspects of this process.

Contact us and tell us about your specific needs.

Our products


This is the core application responsible for job management, contact management, reporting, invoicing etc.


This mobile app allows on-site collection of contents information and images for equipment identification, location and connection. 


This program allows staff to import information into the database and includes merge conflict detection and tools for resolution.


This program provides employees with calendar centric online time and expense entry.


This add-on provides integration to your accounting system.


This program displays job status and workflow information to employees on the shop floor. 


This tool provides a shop supervisor an optimized interface for initial inspections, work prioritization, technician assignment and load balancing.


This tool for technicians allows them to view a prioritized list of equipment to be worked on and to enter service logs, time and expenses and parts for each piece of equipment.


This add-on module integrates with the company’s phone system prompting the LossTrack user with caller information and a list of related jobs before the call is answered.


This program manages temporary staff that have been hired for large restoration jobs.


This add-on is a specialized workbench for shipping and receiving.


This add-on optimizes driver routes for the pick-up and delivery of damaged and or restored equipment.


This add-on allows equipment to be identified using bar-codes.

Here's how Lossgistics can benefit your business

Single Source of Truth

No more confusion that results from various information sources contradicting each other and no more wondering if you have the latest version of a spreadsheet.

Information at Your Fingertips

No more chasing people or paper.

Real-Time Information

Allows you to monitor workflow and take the pulse of your business.

Improved Customer Service

Provides your team better tools to service your customers.

Decreased claims processing time

Streamlines processes.

Reduced Costs

Reduces wasted effort.

Reduced Errors

Reduces data and process errors.

Increased Standardization

Provides consistency to your customers and staff.

What our clients are saying about us

Lossgistics has allowed us to improve our profitability and the quality of our services by improving our access to information and giving us better control over each job.

Jay Sutherland, President

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